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Lambertville, NJ, United States
Auction Details
Americana and General Estate Sale
Over 1000 lots: AMERICANA. COUNTRY STORE . THEATRE MEMORABILIA. CLOCKS. FURNITURE. PAINTINGS. PORCELAIN. JEWELRY. SILVER. NATIVE AMERICAN. SPORTS MEMORABILIA The auction will open on FRIDAY AT 2 P.M. (est) with AMERICANA - the contents of an old stone farmhouse, including a 19th century, bamboo-spindle Windsor bench , a maple four-poster rope bed, and an 18th century chest on stand, a rare 19th century Mark Twain marionette, Windsor chairs (some with original painted finish), American redware, spongeware, decorated and stoneware, Rockingham, Toby jugs, quilts and jacquard coverlets, oil lamps, iron banks and doorstops, including two Mammy figures . This will be followed by a COUNTRY STORE collection: barber shop items, advertisements, kitchen items, tin storage canisters, a fine Henry Troemner (Philadelphia) coffee grinder, Coca-Cola, a rare Diamond Dyes Court Jester carved maple display case, ice cream parlor furniture, buttons, cookbooks and sewing items is being offered.
SATURDAY AT 11:00 AM (est) will begin with an impressive collection of THEATRE MEMORABILIA Featured are original costume designs by Cecil Beaton, Anne Roth, Freddy Wittop and Jane Greenwood, Helen Stephenson West and posters from Broadway productions.
A highlight of the auction is a collection of CLOCKS from early 18th century to early 20th century, including carriage clocks and a George II bracket clock with Japan case and elaborately engraved back plates, c.1740.
FURNITURE will follow, including a George III mahogany secretary, c. 1800, and a selection of Arts & Craft pieces by Limbert, Quaint, and Stickley. PAINTINGS, PORCELAIN, JEWELRY and SILVER follow, included a large selection of NATIVE AMERICAN.
Over 100 lots of baseball and other SPORTS MEMORABILIA round out the sale, including signed baseballs mostly relating to the New York Yankees or the Brooklyn Dodgers and large number of signed photos. Also featured is a photo of Mahammed Ali and the Beatles, signed Cassius Clay.
SATURDAY AT 11:00 AM (est) will begin with an impressive collection of THEATRE MEMORABILIA Featured are original costume designs by Cecil Beaton, Anne Roth, Freddy Wittop and Jane Greenwood, Helen Stephenson West and posters from Broadway productions.
A highlight of the auction is a collection of CLOCKS from early 18th century to early 20th century, including carriage clocks and a George II bracket clock with Japan case and elaborately engraved back plates, c.1740.
FURNITURE will follow, including a George III mahogany secretary, c. 1800, and a selection of Arts & Craft pieces by Limbert, Quaint, and Stickley. PAINTINGS, PORCELAIN, JEWELRY and SILVER follow, included a large selection of NATIVE AMERICAN.
Over 100 lots of baseball and other SPORTS MEMORABILIA round out the sale, including signed baseballs mostly relating to the New York Yankees or the Brooklyn Dodgers and large number of signed photos. Also featured is a photo of Mahammed Ali and the Beatles, signed Cassius Clay.