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Roman Bone Dice PairEgyptian Four-Spouted VesselRoman Intaglio Gemstone with Standing Figure
Harwich, Essex, United Kingdom
Auction Details

TimeLine Auctions Antiquities Sale - Day 2

Auction Venue: TimeLine Auctions The Court House 363 Main Road Harwich Essex CO12 4DN UK Day 1 - Tuesday 2nd June 2020 Ancient Art & Antiquities Auction start 10am BST (Lunch 1.30 - 2pm) Lots 1-660 Days 2 - Wednesday 3rd June 2020 Ancient Art & Antiquities Auction start 10am BST (Lunch 1.30 - 2pm) Lots 700-1314 Day 3 ? Thursday 4th June 2020 Ancient Art & Antiquities Auction start 10am BST (Lunch 1.30 - 2pm) Lots 1315 - 1919 Day 4 ? Friday 5th June 2020 Ancient Art & Antiquities Auction start 10am BST (Lunch 1.30 - 2pm) Lots 1920 - 2542 Day 5 ? Saturday 6th June 2020 Ancient Art & Antiquities Auction start 10am BST (Lunch 1.30 - 2pm) Lots 2543 - 3164 Day 6 - Sunday 7th June 2020 Coins Auction start 10am BST (Lunch 1.30 - 2pm) Lots 3500 - 4169
Egyptian Fly Amulet: New Kingdom, 1550-1070 BC. A carved yellow carnelian fly amulet, ribbed body and detailed legs; pierced for suspension. 0.8 grams, 15mm (1/2"). From the property of a London gentleman; thence by
0700: Egyptian Fly AmuletEst. £100-£140
See Sold Price
Egyptian Coptic Textile Group: 5th-8th century AD. A group of fine woollen textile sections including woven tendril band and decorative elements. 18 grams total, 9.7-13.6cm (3 3/4 - 5 1/4"). Property of a London gentleman;
0701: Egyptian Coptic Textile GroupEst. £50-£70
See Sold Price
Phoenician Glass Head Pendant: 6th-4th century BC. A glass pendant head with applied detailing to the hair, eyes and mouth. 3.5 grams, 23mm (1"). Property of a London gentleman; acquired by his father in the 1970s; thence by
0702: Phoenician Glass Head PendantEst. £150-£200
See Sold Price
Egyptian and Other Artefact Group: Mainly Late Period, 664-332 BC. A mixed group of artefacts including a bronze amuletic figure; a carved ram-head pendant; a schist bread-stamp; a bone spindle whorl and other items. 262 grams
0703: Egyptian and Other Artefact GroupEst. £60-£80
See Sold Price
Coptic Embroidered Panel Group: 3rd-6th century AD. A mixed group of decorative textile panels with embroidered motifs including scrolled tendrils, foliage with flowers, profile figures and other ornament. 42.44 grams total,
0704: Coptic Embroidered Panel GroupEst. £60-£80
See Sold Price
Romano-Egyptian Sitting Statuette: 1st-3rd century AD. A bronze figurine of a naked male or youth sitting with left hand on the knee, right elbow resting on the right knee and hand placed by the mouth; ribbed hairpiece or headdress;
0705: Romano-Egyptian Sitting StatuetteEst. £80-£100
See Sold Price
Phoenician Crystal Scarab, Goddess Holding Snakes: 6th-4th century BC. A carved rock crystal scarab with intaglio figure holding snakes to the underside. 15 grams, 30mm (1"). Property of a Chinese collector; previously the property of a Bristol
0706: Phoenician Crystal Scarab, Goddess Holding SnakesEst. £200-£300
See Sold Price
Egyptian Glass Eye Assemblage: New Kingdom, 1550-1070 BC. An eye from a mummy mask or sarcophagus comprising a blue glass frame, white glass sclera with square socket for the pupil. 70 grams total, 69mm (10 x 10cm display) (2
0707: Egyptian Glass Eye AssemblageEst. £300-£400
See Sold Price
Egyptian Hieroglyphic Shabti Group: Late Period, 664-332 BC. A pair of glazed composition shabtis, one blue and one cream coloured, each with tripartite wig, false beard, plain dorsal pillar, square base and vertical hieroglyphic text
0708: Egyptian Hieroglyphic Shabti GroupEst. £80-£100
See Sold Price
Egyptian Carnelian Wedjat Eye Amulet: Late Period, 664-332 BC. A carved bifacial red carnelian wedjat eye bead with incised triangular eye and pupil on a raised median band, hatched eyebrow and short teardrop; pierced for suspension. Cf.
0709: Egyptian Carnelian Wedjat Eye AmuletEst. £150-£200
See Sold Price
Egyptian Gold and Composition Amulet Group: Mainly Late Period, 664-332 BC. A mixed group including glazed composition scarabs; a gold Horus-shaped cell and others. 2.04 grams total, 8-22mm (1/4 - 3/4"). Property of a London gentleman;
0710: Egyptian Gold and Composition Amulet GroupEst. £350-£450
See Sold Price
Egyptian Inscribed Duck Amulet: Late Period, 664-332 BC. A red jasper amuletic duck bead with incised scarab design to the underside. 1.7 grams, 16mm (3/4"). Property of a London gentleman; acquired by his father in the 1970s;
0711: Egyptian Inscribed Duck AmuletEst. £300-£400Lot Passed
Egyptian Sacred Baboon Figure: Late Period, 664-332 BC. A carved stone figure of Babi, or Thoth, the sacred baboon, crouching on a rectangular base. 130 grams, 60mm (2 1/2"). Property of a North London gentleman; previously the
0712: Egyptian Sacred Baboon FigureEst. £500-£700
See Sold Price
Egyptian Scarab and Bezel Group: Late Period, 664-332 BC. A group of three glazed composition amulets comprising: two scaraboids with intaglio bust to the underside; an ellipsoid ring bezel with ankh, sitting figure and other
0713: Egyptian Scarab and Bezel GroupEst. £80-£100
See Sold Price
Egyptian Head of Bes Amulet: Late Period, 664-332 BC. A glazed composition amuletic mask of Bes with feather headdress, pierced for suspension. 2.67 grams, 24mm (1"). Property of a London gentleman; acquired in the 1970s. [No
0714: Egyptian Head of Bes AmuletEst. £50-£70
See Sold Price
Egyptian Stamp Seal with Insect: Late Period, 664-332 BC. A glazed composition seal with bulb finial, gusset to the lower edge, intaglio insect. 20 grams, 45mm (1 3/4"). Property of a Bristol collector; formerly part of his
0715: Egyptian Stamp Seal with InsectEst. £300-£400
See Sold Price
Egyptian Scarab Collection: New Kingdom, 1550-1070 BC. A group of four white glazed composition scarabs each with hieroglyphs or other designs to the underside. 5.11 grams, 11-15mm (1/2"). Property of a London gentleman;
0716: Egyptian Scarab CollectionEst. £100-£140
See Sold Price
Egyptian Glass Fragment Collection: Ptolemaic Period, 332-30 BC. A group of five colourful glass fragments comprising three mosaic glass fragments and two with trailed decoration. 19.3 grams total, 24-33mm (1 - 1 1/4"). From the
0717: Egyptian Glass Fragment CollectionEst. £200-£300
See Sold Price
Egyptian Mummy Bead and Necklace Group: Late Period, 664-332 BC. A group of mixed glazed composition items comprising: a restrung multistrand necklace composed of tubular and annular beads; a quantity of tubular beads, some chipped. 21.3
0719: Egyptian Mummy Bead and Necklace GroupEst. £40-£60
See Sold Price
Egyptian Silver Cat Pendant: Saite Period, 624-525 BC. A silver pendant depicting a sitting cat, Bastet, the goddess of the home, domesticity, women's secrets, cats, fertility and childbirth; seated on a tongue-shaped base,
0720: Egyptian Silver Cat PendantEst. £600-£800
See Sold Price
Egyptian Wedjat Eye Amulet Group: Late Period, 664-332 BC. A pair of stone wedjat eye amulets. 6.9 grams total, 22cm each (1"). Property of a London gentleman; acquired in the 1970s. [2, No Reserve]
0721: Egyptian Wedjat Eye Amulet GroupEst. £40-£60
See Sold Price
Egyptian Blue Figural Amulet: Late Dynastic Period, 404-323 BC. A glazed composition figural plaque with high-relief image of Harpokrates standing nude with hair dressed in a side-lock, holding a rope(?"). 15.9 grams, 42mm (1
0722: Egyptian Blue Figural AmuletEst. £60-£80
See Sold Price
Egyptian Glass Mummy Eye Insert: New Kingdom, 1550-1066 BC. An eye inlay from a mummy case, formed from a white glass panel with raised black glass pupil fitted into a blue glass frame. 8.91 grams, 53mm (2"). Property of a London
0723: Egyptian Glass Mummy Eye InsertEst. £600-£800
See Sold Price