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Very Large Gandharan Schist Meditating BuddhaThe Thwaite' Gold and Garnet Sword PyramidThe Irish Celtic Ballyarton Stone Head
London, United Kingdom
Auction Details

TimeLine Auctions Antiquities Sale - Day 1

Auction Venue: The May Fair Hotel Stratton Street Mayfair London, W1J 8LT Lots 1- 665
Egyptian Jar with Cartouche of Thutmosis IV: 18th Dynasty, 1401-1391 BC or 1397-1388 BC. A New Kingdom blue glazed flat bottomed jar with four loops under a wide rim, each with three ribs detailed in black; to one side two lotus flowers, one
0001: Egyptian Jar with Cartouche of Thutmosis IVEst. £3,000-£4,000
See Sold Price
Egyptian Water Carrier Figure: Middle Kingdom, 2133-1797 BC. A carved wooden figurine of a porter or workman in advancing pose, carrying two drum-shaped baskets; pegs to the feet for insertion into the rectangular base; much
0002: Egyptian Water Carrier FigureEst. £3,000-£4,000
See Sold Price
Large Egyptian Eye of Horus Appliqué: Late Period, 664-332 BC. A glazed composition appliqué formed as the Eye of Horus with horizontal bar above supporting a recumbent lioness (Sekhmet?) with facing head. 11.6 grams, 46mm (2"). From
0005: Large Egyptian Eye of Horus AppliquéEst. £400-£600
See Sold Price
Large Egyptian Pataikos Amulet: Late Period, 664-332 BC. A green glazed composition amulet of nude Pataikos, a bandy-legged dwarf with exaggerated genitals, hands with extended forefingers resting on his thighs, bald head topped
0006: Large Egyptian Pataikos AmuletEst. £350-£450Lot Passed
Egyptian Squatting Bes Amulet: Late Period, 664-332 BC. A glazed composition amulet depicting squatting Bes on a rectangular base, hands resting on his knees, leonine facial features with distinctive eyebrows, beard and broad
0007: Egyptian Squatting Bes AmuletEst. £300-£400
See Sold Price
Romano-Egyptian Harpokrates Amulet: 30 BC-332 AD. A blue glazed composition amuletic plaque with painted details depicting nude Harpokrates, Horus-the-child, standing on two crocodiles and holding a snake in each hand, sidelock of
0008: Romano-Egyptian Harpokrates AmuletEst. £400-£600
See Sold Price
Large Egyptian Blue Glazed Hathor Amulet: Late Period, 664-332 BC. A flat-backed blue glazed amulet of Hathor, the goddess of fertility, wearing her typical wig and sistrum base crown. 14.3 grams, 50mm (2"). Property of a London lady; from
0009: Large Egyptian Blue Glazed Hathor AmuletEst. £400-£600
See Sold Price
Large Egyptian Pataikos Holding Snakes Amulet: Late Period, 664-332 BC. A green glazed composition amulet of nude Pataikos, holding a black snake in each of his hand, black glazed detailing to hair, face, genitals and toes; pierced through the
0010: Large Egyptian Pataikos Holding Snakes AmuletEst. £400-£600
See Sold Price
Large Egyptian Pataikos Amulet: Late Period, 664-332 BC. A large green glazed composition amulet of Pataikos, the bandy-legged dwarf, naked with large bald head, hands resting on his sides, suspension loop to the back of the neck.
0011: Large Egyptian Pataikos AmuletEst. £400-£600Lot Passed
Large Egyptian Divine Triad Amulet: Late Period, 664-332 BC. A light green glazed composition amuletic pendant depicting the standing sacred triad of Isis with throne headdress, Harpokrates with sidelock of youth, and Nephthys wearing
0012: Large Egyptian Divine Triad AmuletEst. £400-£600
See Sold Price
Egyptian Bes Pendant: Late Period, 664-332 BC. A glazed composition pendant representing the mask of Bes, bearded and with protruding tongue, ears pierced to accept wire dangles. 2.6 grams, 22mm (3/4"). Property of a
0013: Egyptian Bes PendantEst. £300-£400Lot Passed
Egyptian Osiris Statuette: 26th Dynasty, 664-525 BC. A bronze mummiform figure of Osiris, the God of the Dead, holding crook and flail, with false beard and tall Atef crown fronted by a royal uraeus, affixing tenon below the
0015: Egyptian Osiris StatuetteEst. £6,000-£8,000Lot Passed
Romano-Egyptian Togate Anubis Staff Head: 1st century BC-2nd century AD. A bronze figure of jackal-headed Anubis wearing a toga and tunica, standing on a square base set upon a tubular socket with incised floral frieze around the lower edge,
0018: Romano-Egyptian Togate Anubis Staff HeadEst. £600-£800
See Sold Price
Large Egyptian Osiris Torso: Late Period, 664-332 BC. A substantial bronze statuette of Osiris standing with hands placed across the chest, holding a flail and crook; stud beneath the feet for attachment to a base. Cf. Andrews,
0019: Large Egyptian Osiris TorsoEst. £800-£1,000
See Sold Price
Egyptian Offering Table: Late Period, 664-332 BC. A miniature bronze offering table, decorated with a pair of hes vases in relief, with the kneeling figure of the offeror profering a vase pouring a libation before a hunched
0020: Egyptian Offering TableEst. £1,200-£1,700
See Sold Price
Large Egyptian Glove Ring: 21st-22nd Dynasty, 1069-730 BC. A substantial heavily patinated schist or composition glove ring, rectangular bezel with incised hieroglyphic text, possibly for a treasurer of Amun. 17.1 grams,
0021: Large Egyptian Glove RingEst. £400-£600Lot Passed
Large Egyptian Painted Hieroglyphic Shabti: New Kingdom, 1550-1070 BC. A carved limestone shabti with black lappet wig, yellow ochre paint applied to the hands and face, hands holding red-painted flails, vertical panel of hieroglyphs naming
0022: Large Egyptian Painted Hieroglyphic ShabtiEst. £1,200-£1,700
See Sold Price
Large Egyptian Mummiform Figurine: Late Period, 664-332 BC. A carved wooden mummiform figure on a small base with peg to the underside, the facial features, wig and beard depicted; fragments of a layer of gesso and glazed composition
0023: Large Egyptian Mummiform FigurineEst. £1,200-£1,700Lot Passed
Romano-Egyptian Painted Head of a Lady: 30 BC-323 AD. A hollow-formed stucco head from a statue with short curly hair; black painted detailing to the hair, eyebrows, eyelashes and brows, ochre and pink flesh tones. 2.3 kg, 26cm (10 1/4").
0024: Romano-Egyptian Painted Head of a LadyEst. £2,500-£3,500Lot Passed