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We are Buyers, Sellers, Auctioneers, and Appraisers of Online Real Estate. If you are searching for a place to Buy or Sell Top Level Domain Names- You have come to the right place. Our Live Wholesale Domain Auction is the Only $1 No Reserve Dealer Auction on Earth. We wanted to create a place where names could be bought and sold for REAL Absolute Auction Prices. We deal in the finest Online Real Estate on the Market.If you have any questions, or would like to go ahead and Purchase or Lease one of our locations, Give us A Call 1-800-975-3229. One of our Domain Professionals will walk you through the entire process. Welcome Domainers! is proud to offer the World some of the finest Locations on the Internet. This auction will be Live from the Macau Venetian- November 29, 2007. 5:00pm Macau Time, and 5:00 am New York Time. If you can't make it around the world to attend the live auction- you can Listen, Watch, and Participate as if you were here. The auction is fast paced, fun to watch, and win. Every Business in the future will 100% Need an impressive online address. One that is Easy to Remember, Spell, Say, and Generically Describe what their business does. Please Check and see what is for sale at all of the Big Domain Houses, then come prepared to build your Online Real Estate Portfolio. You will be shocked at the asking prices and very small selection. Would you rather have a building you could lease to a store that potentially helps 100 customers a day- Or an Online Location you could lease to a company that helps millions of customers 24 hours a day? We have some of the Best Names and Concepts Available in the World. This auction will Showcase the Absolute Finest Online Comparison Shopping Location, The Most Important High End Luxury Media Name, and an Internet Gambling Location that is "Simply Unforgettable". We even have one concept location that Is the only way to save the World! Really! The Wealthiest People of Tomorrow will be the ones that planted seeds early in the Internet Marketplace. If you can see where the future of business is going- We'll see you at the auction. Daniel A. Jelladian CEO
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